Since the pandemic, some chains have reduced their comps to nothing. They are offering nothing to players to come and donate their hard earned money. These chains think that what they have to offer is so special that they don't need to entice serious players. The wheel is round. The novelty will wear off or the economy will decline and players will start looking for decent comps again. Hopefully people will remember who treated them right and who screwed them.
This is a disturbing trend that started in the 90's and was thrown into high gear during the 2008 economic crisis and the 2020 pandemic. Long gone are the 99 cent prime rib dinners, shrimp cocktails, bargain buffets, live music,
Accountants are ruining the customer experience and driving gaming into the ground. Today the focus is on food, shows, cabanas and clubs. Today the focus is the experience, not the gaming. For the casual gambler, this is fine. For the serious gambler, this is terrible.